A Design Manager, Creative Director or Designer can immerse themselves in your organization for 8 weeks to review internal systems and design operations, evolve brand eco-systems, audit digital platforms or simply crank out tons of content for social media.
The trial will be a test of your systems, process and people. Our goal is to push organizations to become more design-infused and ready to churn out more strategic, high-quality content. To do that, we must first get a glimpse of your current routing, reviewal, approval and content optimization processess.
Usually, pain points or gaps exist. We set your teams up for success and move on... or continue to engage in creating killer content if you need it. We're flexible and very friendly!
Let's try eachother out for 8 weeks. If our principles and process align than we offer extended 4-month and 6-month bulk hour contracts to continue working together on communications initiatives across the board.
8-Week Trial Packages
8-Week Trial Packages
8-Week Trial Packages
Weekly Costs
$960 - $1,800
Weekly Costs - $960 - $1,800
Weekly Costs - $960 - $1,800
Design Manager
8 - 15 hrs/wk
Design Manager
8 - 15 hrs/wk
Design Manager
8 - 15 hrs/wk
$1,200 - $1,800
Weekly Costs - $1,200 - $1,800
Weekly Costs - $1,200 - $1,800
Creative Director
10 - 15 hrs/wk
Creative Director
10 - 15 hrs/wk
Creative Director
10 - 15 hrs/wk
Design-Production Focused
$700 - $1,500
Weekly Costs - $700 - $1,500
Weekly Costs - $700 - $1,500
8 - 15 hrs/wk
8 - 15 hrs/wk
8 - 15 hrs/wk
Design is our mantra, so our first step is to review your business operations to ensure they can support our processes. If not, we’ll recommend a DesignOps Workshop to help elevate design within your business.
Design is our mantra, so our first step is to review your business operations to ensure they can support our processes. If not, we’ll recommend a DesignOps Workshop to set the stage and guide you on design thinking.
© 2018 Copyright dp Creative Studio, LLC